Animation, nCloth, Compositing, Shading and Sound Engineering

Dude: The Animation​








Autodesk Maya, nCloth, Blender, Adobe Audition, Adobe After Effects


I still remember the first time I watched the “Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse” movie. I was deeply impressed by both the graphic style and the story, which turned out to be a big inspiration of this work.

The work was first done as a painting. I painted a Spiderverse-styled picture with a Maya character rig that I discovered earlier, then I thought “Why don’t I just create an animation from it?” Then it turned out to be a complicated animation project involving animation, shading, compositing and sound engineering.

The work is done with animaion and cloth simulations in Autodesk Maya, shadings and renderings in Blender and compositings in Adobe After Effects, alongside with some experiments with sound engineering and editing in Adobe Audition.

Cloth Simulation with nCloth

nCloth is an important part in this animation as the cape needs to have a feel of a "cloth". In the final version, the simulation starts from -2000 in order to leave enough time for the cloth to completely stay on the character.

Halftone Shader & Chromatic Aberration & Freestyle with Blender

Halftone shader, chromatic aberration and Freestyle are used in Blender to mimic comic style.

Frame 253

Background Music with Adobe Audition

I'm not very skilled in sound engineering, but I decided to give it a try. The background music is composed from three tracks, with spatial audio that changes with camera movement powered by DearVR Micro.

Screenshot of Adobe Audition

Composition with Adobe After Effects

Composition, including merging the sequences and the background is done in Adobe After Effects.

Screenshot of Adobe After Effect